July 27, 2024


I am worth loving.

Unapologetically Matchy-Matchy!

Unapologetically Matchy-Matchy!

I was browsing in one of my favorite stores recently, and one of the sales women oral to me, Oh, one of your clients was impartial in, and she bought that necklace you told her about.Wholesale Marcasite Jewelry

Unapologetically Matchy-Matchy!

Unapologetically Matchy-Matchy!

Recently, I was browsing in one of my favorite stores, and one of the sales women verbal to me, Oh, one of your clients was reasonable in, and she bought that necklace you told her about (I had experimental this necklace that was SO her and sent her a picture) She then said, I showed her another necklace as well that she loved, but we couldnt find earrings to analogue so she didnt gain it. She told me that shes matchy-matchy like Ginger. I laughed Yes, there are a few of us left!

No, I do not go so far as to keep my handbags and shoes be exact matches, but I do insist they blend and make perceive together. I sometimes vigil What Not To Wear and, while I assume a pile of their advice is valuable, I sometimes look at the outfits they cause and reckon Really! It looks like a mish-mash like they got dressed in the dark! It just goes to evince you that routine is not an exact science and individuality and personal alternative machination into it Clearly, theres a stylist for every taste

So, while I never expect my clients to be matchy-matchy, I do perceive that most of them rely on me to help them understand how far they can push the envelope (if thats what they absence to do) Its funny, too Twenty years ago, as a new crest consultant, I attended a means seminar at Henri Bendels, and I clearly remember the duchess maxim with immense disdain that matchy-matchy was so out! I briefly questioned my style, but then I took a wanting look at what she was wearing and thought, if thats the possibility Ill stick with what Im wearing

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I own remained true to my personal system possibility and wear it with confidence. I praise those who are funkier and trendier than I am and who wear the look well (not everyone does!) I also know that there is no one redress way If there were wed all look like clones what fun would there be in that?

So, matchy-matchy or not, honor your keep preferences. That said, dont be afraid to march facade your self-imposed hamper and try new things Thats how we hold it fun and raw But if a trend doesnt venture for you, thats absolutely fine. Just perceive (or find out) what does and be true to that!